I've always thought what a sad and pathetic thing childhood obesity has become. I talk about how I would never let my kids be like that. Yet, I still haven't lost all of my pregnancy weight. If I want to have healthy kids, I need to live a healthy lifestyle.

Dax is a healthy eater! He loves fruit and veggies. He drinks a lot of milk, never pop or juice. As his parent, I should be the one setting the example, but I'm not. Well that's all about to change!!!
Goodbye Strawberry Creme Pie!
Goodbye Tie-Dye Cupcakes!
Goodbye Christmas Goodies!

Hello, Dieting!
We can be dieting buddies. I really need it. If you are looking for a walking buddy look no further!
hey julie hope you had a good birthday :)
haha that is a dirty word. You should watch the movie "fat head" on Netflix. it'll change your feelings about a diet.
I love those tie dye cupcakes! Did you make those? So cute! Ah diets.. my life is a neverending diet. My problem is simple..I really love food!
Okay, just reading this post made me want to end my diet! lol! Hope you're feeling better Jules!
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