Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Modest is Hottest

I was stoked when I stumbled upon The Shabby Apple website! It’s a small company based out of Utah. They sell dresses, workout clothes, kid’s clothes, and jewelry.

Not only are their clothes modest, but they sell dresses for maternity and plus size ladies. It might be a little pricy for some people, but a good dress is totally worth it!

This is from their website:

"After years of not being able to find stylish dresses that covered enough skin to make you really feel comfortable (without wearing a tank top, cardigan or long slip), owners Emily and CK decided to do something about it. They visited trade shows, marketplaces and designer studios only to discover the problem was not that department stores weren't buying the right dresses, but that designers weren't designing them. Shabby Apple is proud to offer you fantastic dresses that allow you to look fabulous, without having to compromise anything else. A return to what dresses were always meant to be — a one-piece outfit. No need to add tank tops, no cardigans, nothing (except accessories, of course!)."

I know I’m not the only one who can relate to that. It’s so hard to find dresses that look good but that cover you up appropriately.

Ok, now I feel like I’ve endorsed this store enough. If you like modesty and you love pretty clothing then go check out the website yourself.

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