Yesterday was Tom's birthday!
We had a ton of fun and Thomas had a lot of surprises. Our morning started out with a breakfast in bed of cold cereal - yum!
Then, Tom's best friend Josh came up from Tucson to visit for the day. We went to a store called Fry's Electronics where Josh let Thomas pick out a present. He chose a game called Overlord II.
After that Josh took us out to eat for second-breakfast at a Waffle House.
Around 1:00, we drove to Tempe Town Lake and went on a two hour segway tour. None of us have ever been on a segway before. It was a ton of fun! It was really easy and relaxing.
At 6:00 that evening, Thomas had his biggest surprise, a party! For the past few months, I have been secretly planning to invite some of Toms family over for dinner.

The only thing that I told Thomas was that I was going to make him dinner for his birthday, and that he had to wear a "cowboy outfit." He guessed that I was taking him horseback riding or to a rodeo after dinner.
Instead if a horseback ride, or a rodeo - we had a Murder Mystery Dinner. It was so much fun and everyone dressed up like they were in the Wild West.
Thomas was very happy and surprised!