In August 2010, Thomas and I moved from Arizona.
Thomas is going to school at ISU and will apply for the Radiology Tech program next spring.
We will be moving from Idaho Falls to Pocatello sometime in April.

Daxton Thomas Liljenquist was born on November 3, 2010.
He weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 8oz.
He is currently 4 months old and is still a big baby (98th percentile).
He loves to smile and be held. He hates bath time.

This picture was taken the day I went into the hospital (aka Thanksgiving Day 2010).
I had been having stomach problems for a while and didn't realize that anything was wrong since I was pregnant and thought everyone felt that cruddy when they were 9 months pregnant. Nay, not so.
Our new apartment in Pocatello won't allow pets.
He's happily living with a great family with 8 kids in St. Anthony, Idaho.